Sunday, December 18, 2011


I've had two minor electric shocks in the past week or so.

These were by no means serious but the sensation was quite remarkable. It was not a feeling I would instantly describe as "pain" and so is difficult to articulate. It was more like a sense of physical disorientation.

I am not too interested in the science behind this feeling, although my impression is that this was due to a temporary disruption of my body's own electrical charge. The result of which was that I instantly lost my sense of embodiment for a split second.

Such slight and small physical shifts can have vast effects on the very composition of life. Perhaps this is part of the reason that the recent successes at CERN are so poignant. When we understand the minute forces at the base of existence we can understand how to control them.

I also need to be more careful around exposed wires!

-The English Student

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