I ended up drawing the attention of the authorities to a situation that, while not completely innocuous was far from serious. Said authorities seemed quite happy that I got in touch with them over the situation though and to their credit, they diffused it quickly and professionally.
But once again I questioned how quickly I reacted with a 'nuclear' option. Granted, I did not call the police and this would have been a more extreme reaction. But still, it would likely have blown over without my intervention.
I wonder to what extent my loss in religious faith is connected to these actions. When I lost god as an arbiter of justice a gap in my ethical outlook developed. Before, I could resign myself to believing that if people were evil they would be punished. Without god to dole out this punishment I may have begun to take that part myself in a vigilante-type outlook.
Soon I'll get hurt doing this but I still cannot resign myself to letting assholes be assholes.
-The English Student
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