I wish to specifically talk about a person that I see frequently who has a world view that I think completely incongruous with her reality. On several occasions she has told me stories about things that have happened to her recently or in the past and I have found it difficult to hold my tongue. At the very least, I generally have the thought of: "That's just not true".
Her stories place her in a far more autonomous and controlled position than I believe she has ever really experienced in her life. She has told me about how she has stood up to bosses at work and others that have sought to take advantage of her. I have overheard one such exchange and know that she capitulates far more easily than she states. She also commits to things with a huge amount of positivity before inevitably backing out with an excuse which she herself sees as an aberration. It is actually the norm.
In some respects, there is no harm in this behaviour and we all engage with it. But I do believe that her separation from events has a negative effect overall. If she believes that she is conquering her problems when in actuality, they are conquering her then she is heading down a very bad road indeed. Perhaps I am giving her too little credit and she is well aware of this pattern and thus knows how to manage it.
Perhaps my view is the skewed one.
-The English Student
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