Sunday, September 19, 2010


For the first time in my active memory, I became completely furious over this week.

Sure, I can get angry at times. This is especially likely to happen when in work and assaulted by a barrage of stupidity. These fits of anger are just that, flashes of rage that bubble across the surface. Like everyone, I have learned a good deal of control over this and can generally smother the anger before I do something stupid like lashing out.

The anger I felt over the week was of a completely different nature. It was a fury that was very slowly building inside me as the slow realisation of a situation was dawning on me. I could feel it rising as something unstoppable that needed release. It did not help that this situation was entirely my own fault and that this rage was directed at myself.

Thankfully I did not do anything completely stupid. I almost broke a phone and did have to take seriously deep breaths to gain a modicum of calm. In the end though, I managed to harness this fury and learn something positive from the situation. If there is something wrong and I have the power to do something, I will resolutely pursuit these options to their end, without rest. My rage spurned me on and forced me to action.

In the future, I must continue to force it to bend to my will.

-Then English Student

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