Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Victory Speech For Barack Obama

Fellow Americans, we have arrived at a momentous occasion.

It has taken us a long time to get here, we have seen prejudice, violence and hatred in our history. Not only hatred towards African Americans, but women, old, young and Hispanic Americans. Their voice was often unheard, their dreams denied.

But I believe that today we have heard the voice of this country. It is a voice that has rung out strong amongst the cynics, a voice that has shattered the myth of apathy and declared with thundering certainty: Yes we can!

Of course, having the power to change is just a step towards this change. We must put aside our old divisions and look for unity when facing the challenges ahead. As two opposing sides, we will only create enmity. But as one, we can affect great change for the future of our country, and the future of our world.

I have heard your voice today and together, we can face whatever comes tomorrow.

-The English Student

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