Saturday, September 13, 2008

Re-Introduction of University Fees

Recently, the topic of 3rd level fees has arisen once more in public life.

With the media consistently creating fear of a looming recession, people (and government officials) are naturally looking at all areas of the country in a bid to cut back public spending. It became apparent quite recently that one particular 3rd level institution is fifteen million euro in debt as thing stand. When this is coupled with the increasing pay rises given to university staff, it is very obvious that some reform is necessary.

A flat rate of payment for college students is not the answer. This would simply populate our universities with high income students and close the doors to others. Instead, the government should look at the income of students when they leave college and charge a certain percentage of this figure as payment to the university they attended. This would provide substantial income for the colleges and prevent anyone going into debt during their student years.

As a student, one could easily assume that I am fully against the re-introduction of these fees. Indeed, were they to come back, I would be unable to pay them and would have to rely on student finance from the government and banks. But even with this in mind, it is not so difficult to see the necessity of at least some form of fees.

If we are to be charged for our education, it should at least be when we can afford it.

-The English Student

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