Saturday, November 10, 2007

This is the First

A student should be vocal.

Without the chains of responsibility, coupled with an obscene amount of free time, it is completely natural for one to question, enquire and probe public opinion. Consequently, students are seen as a loud, outspoken group that revels in perpetually forcing opinions, often to the point of obnoxiousness.

I am a student, enrolled with the English Department of a fair institution of a fair country. Yet with this forthright behaviour expected of students, I have found myself at odds. A grey malaise has crept into my mind, preventing me from articulating, or sometimes even forming such definite views. So I desperately turn to this blog, not hoping to cultivate a beautiful garden of eloquence like my associates, but at least, to slay the weeds of apathy that have taken hold.

I will force myself, once a week, to compose short passages on various subjects that present themselves. The English Student holds no pretensions of an audience, or of followers, but welcomes any reader that may take an interest in this frantic attempt to enliven a lethargic mind.

This is the first. For the sake of my education, my livelyhood, my soul, it must not be the last.

-The English Student

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